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ThermusQ> Pathway> PWAC0001


Thermus thermophilus HB8 oxidative phosphorylation complexes, cytochrome c552 as an electron career protein, and sulfite oxidase system with its (their) gene product(s). Among oxidative phosphorylation complexes, complexes I, IV-1, IV-2, and V, which have been structurally determined in this organism, are rimmed with black line. On the other hand, complexes II and III, structurally not determined yet, with color lines and in rough. T. thermophilus oxidative phosphorylation complexes are similar to those of mitochondria, except Complex IV branches into IV-1 and IV-2, probably due to adapting to oxygen tension of its habitat. This thermophile adopts menaquinone (MK), not but ubiquinone that is familiar to organism with mitochondria such as eukaryotes.
As in the oxidative phosphorylation, the electrons generated by the periplasmic sulfite oxidase system, via cytochrome c552, are used by Complex IVs for H+ translocation. PG and CM represent peptidoglycan and cytoplasmic membrane, respectively. NAD, FAD, FMN mean nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin mononucleotide, respectively. SOR, C550, and C552 represent sulfite oxidoreductase, cyt c550, and cyt c552, respectively. In C552, C550, and MK, blue and red colors mean reduced and oxidized forms, respectively. Individual gene and gene product are also represented.


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